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Architectural Concept: Lilypad Floating City
Water City By now, most of us have heard about the Island Cities being built in Dubai , but Inhabitant has just done a feature on a new concept by artist Vincent Callebaut for a self-sufficient floating city that will never have to face a problem about finding land to build on.

Award-winning architect Vincent Callebaut has designed a self-sustainable Lilypad City as a long-term solution to the problem of rising sea levels caused by climate change. A Lilypad City would provide a home for 50,000 people and would float atop water. The artificial island includes a lake, mountains, shopping malls and drifts on the ocean currents.

The Lilypad would take advantage of all of today�s green technologies, including generating power from the sun, wind and water, and would produce zero emissions from its residents.. Don�t expect to see construction on one of these anyt ime soon, but don�t be surprised if, like the Island Cities in Dubai , real estate starts branching out into t
he oceans in the next decade

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