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Irina Sharipova

Irina Sharipova 005 Irina Sharipova is 19, has a cool name, is a model
Okay, seriously, what is it about hot chicks and glasses?
Irina Sharipova… it’s like someone out there mashed up two of man’s favorite women into one sexy name, isn’t it? And here’s more interesting news, the lady with this name is also just as sexy as those other women as well. So who is this Irina Sharipova, that like her namesake is also modeling for Intimissimi, I can hear you asking. Well, my friend Wiki says that she was Miss Tatarstan 2010 and was the first runner-up for the title of Miss Russia 2010. This now takes the number of sexy models still in their teens that we’ve fallen for this year to three. Is that enough to be considered a trend? I hope it is. What are the rules on that sort of thing?
Irina Sharipova
Irina Sharipova
Irina Sharipova
Irina Sharipova
Irina Sharipova
Irina Sharipova
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